IntroductionAs the transition to a digital society is accelerating in recent years, especially after the coronavirus outbreak, the expectations of the European Citizens for a safer digital environment are growing. There is then an urgent need to combat cybercrime. In a previous article published on Lexology on this topic we had started to discuss of…

IntroductionAs the transition to a digital society is accelerating in recent years, especially after the coronavirus outbreak, the expectations of the European Citizens for a safer digital environment are growing. There is then an urgent need to combat cybercrime. In two different articles we will address, in particular, the surging phenomenon of the ransomware attacks…

Il Consiglio dell’Unione Europea ha adottato il nuovo Regolamento con misure volte a impedire i blocchi geografici ingiustificati e altre forme di discriminazione basate sulla nazionalità, sul luogo di residenza o sul luogo di stabilimento dei clienti nell’ambito del mercato interno, generalmente chiamate di geo-blocco o geo-blocking